IT Support


In support of the Environmental Protection's mission of protecting and improving the environment, the WVDEP will use information systems to maximize efficiency and effectiveness by providing all users with information, in a timely manner, in a compatible format to address customer and program needs without regard to geographic or organizational boundaries and to use all appropriate methodologies in the development and support of DEP decisions.

Chief Technology Officer

J. Joseph Nilles, Chief Technology Officer
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43701

Organizational Structure

Applications Development and Support (ADS)

Responsible for developing and maintaining custom software used to track the activities of WVDEP. This unit provides process and data analysis, design, programming, data translation, end user training, and maintenance for legacy and/or customized computer applications.

Xichun (April) Sun, Information Systems Manager II
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x41975

Infrastructure and Support (IS)

Responsible for application servers and monitoring used to support DEP's mission.

Michael Martin, Manager of Infrastructure Support

Technical Applications and Geographic Information Systems (TAGIS)

Engaged in developing a comprehensive, state-wide spatial database to support environmental monitoring, analysis, and decision making throughout the agency. Providing spatial and environmental database development, spatial data services, research, analysis and consulting.

Mike Shank, Geographic Information Officer
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x41998