The Department of Mining and Reclamation handbooks are provided for a comprehensive guide to understanding the processes of our various departments. They are basically administrative in nature; however, they also establish procedures, included technical information, interpretations, and/or memorandums.
In an effort to provide handbooks that are easy to use and not too voluminous, sample forms are not included. Forms may be obtained from our
DMR forms page.
Supplemental Guidance Manuals
Below is a list of guidance manuals that are not included in the Mining and Reclamation Handbook selection.
Endangered Indiana Bat Guidelines
Description: During 2009, representatives from the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Interstate Mining Compact Commission member states (the group or agencies) developed a Range-wide Guidance Document to help applicants for mining permits expedite the permitting process when their activities were within the range of the Indiana-bat. The guidelines represented the “best science” available to the agencies when the guidelines were developed.
Overview of USFWS Summer Survey Guidelines -
Description: The following guidance is designed to determine whether Indiana bats are present1 or likely absent at a given site during the summer (May 15 to August 15). The phased-approach, which includes coordination with the USFWS2, habitat assessments, and acoustic, mist-net, radio-tracking, and emergence surveys, supersedes all prior summer survey guidance (including the 2007 and 2014 Indiana Bat Mist-Netting Guidelines).
Threatened Northern Long-eared Bat Information -
Description: USFWS: Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis): The northern long-eared bat is one of the species of bats most impacted by the disease white-nose syndrome. Due to declines caused by white-nose syndrome and continued spread of the disease, the northern long-eared bat was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act on April 2, 2015. We also developed a final 4(d) rule, which published in the Federal Register on January 14, 2016. The 4(d) rule specifically defines the "take" prohibitions.
Mitigation Guidance for Coal Mining -
Technical Guides on Use of Reference Areas and Technical Standards for Evaluating Surface Mine Revegetation in OSM Regions I and II: This handbook was prepared to assist mine operators and regulatory authorities in evaluating success of reclamation vegetation in the Appalachian coalfields.
OSM Technical Guides
Description: Technical Guides on Use of Reference Areas and Technical Standards for Evaluating Surface Mine Revegetation in OSM Regions I and II. This handbook was prepared to assist mine operators and regulatory authorities in evaluating success of reclamation vegetation in the Appalachian coalfields.
USDA Soil Conservation Service Technical Release 60, 210-VI Amendment 1 -
ENG- EARTH DAMS AND RESERVOIRS - Purpose: To eliminate the parameter H and redefine the parameters L, TI and Hw in the peak breach discharge criteria; to define the hydrologic boundaries for areas 1, 2, and 3 on page 2-10; and to update the requirements for the design of diaphragms used in piping and seepage control.
401 Certification of NWP 21,49, & 50 -
Description: Standard Conditions of State 401 Water Quality Certification Applicable to Nationwide Permits. The following are revised Standard Conditions of West Virginia's State 401 Water Quality Certification that apply to the Nationwide Permit Nos. 21, 49, and 50 as published on March 12, 2007, in Part II of the Federal Register (72FR 11092), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.