WV DEP Permit Numbers: None due to facility bankruptcy.
None due to facility bankruptcy.
County: Mason
Location: 1.5 miles east of SR 62 at the town of Lakin. Located in West Columbia, WV.
Latitude: 38.94681 N
Longitude: 82.046361W
Closure Cap Area: 21 acres
Cost of Closure: $2,434,737
Number of Monitoring Wells: 7
Cap Type: Subtitle D
Maps & Drawings:
•Location Map
•Design Drawing
•Landfill Images
•Landfill Monitoring Well Topo Map
•Landfill Monitoring Well Aerial Map
Closure Status:
The landfill closure cap was completed by LCAP in 1996 and is currently in post closure status. Leachate is treated onsit by wetlands treatment system.
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