Division of Land Restoration


The mission of the Division of Land Restoration (DLR) is to reclaim and remediate contaminated and disturbed land to a condition protective of public health and safety and suitable for productive reuse and economic development.

Through the leadership of Director Rob Rice, the following programs are administered by the Division of Land Restoration.

Contact Us

Rob Rice, Director
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499, x41208
Email: Robert.Rice@wv.gov

Reclamation Programs

  • Office of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation

    The Office of Abandoned Mine Lands & Reclamation of West Virginia oversees and facilitates the resolving of public safety issues as mine fires & subsidence, hazardous highwalls, mining-impacted water supplies, open shafts and portals, and other dangers resulting from mining before 1977.

  • Office of Special Reclamation

    The Office of Special Reclamation is part of the Division of Land Restoration. Special Reclamations is mandated by the State of West Virginia to protect public health, safety and property by reclaiming and treating water on all bond forfeited coal mining permits since August 1977 in an expeditious and cost effective manner.

  • Landfill Closure Assistance Program

    The WV DEP's LCAP aids the owners/permittees of landfills that were required to cease operations because of certain statutory closure deadlines for non-composite lined facilities.

Remediation Programs

Brownfields Section

  • Brownfields Assistance Program

    The West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Program empowers communities, developers, and stakeholders to assess, cleanup, and sustainably reuse brownfields. WVDEP can provide free guidance and technical assistance throughout the brownfield redevelopment process.

  • UECA-LUST Program

    The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act-Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UECA-LUST) Program is an alternative remediation option for releases from underground storage tanks (USTs).

  • Voluntary Remediation Program

    The West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) was established in 1996 through the Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Act (W. Va. Code § 22-22), to encourage voluntary cleanup and redevelopment of abandoned or under-utilized contaminated properties by providing certain environmental liability protections under West Virginia law.

CERCLA (Superfund) Section

  • Federal Facilities Restoration Program

    The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) works in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to oversee and assist the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) in the investigation and cleanup of active, closing, and formerly used military installations at which hazardous substances and/or petroleum products were used, stored, or disposed of during past operations, as well as military munitions response sites known or suspected to contain unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, or munitions constituents.

  • Pre-Remedial Program

    The Pre-Remedial Program includes sites that have been evaluated using the U.S. EPA Pre-CERCLA screening (PCS) process and have been deemed candidates for further assessment.

  • Remedial (NPL Sites) Program

    The National Priorities List (NPL) is the list of sites of national priority among the known releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants throughout the United States and its territories.

  • Removal Program

    The Removal Program includes removal site evaluations and removal actions.​