WV DEP Permit Numbers: SWC-5351 / WV0109042
Region Eight Solid Waste Authority
P.O. Box 116
Petersburg, WV 26847
County: Hampshire
Location: 2 miles north of Romney on WV Rt. 28.
Latitude: 39.365177 N
Longitude: 78.744017 W
Closure Cap Area: 10 acres
Cost of Closure: $1,917,576
Number of Monitoring Wells: 4
Cap Type: HPDE
Maps & Drawings:
•Location Map
•Design Drawing
•Landfill Images
•Landfill Monitoring Well Topo Map
•Landfill Monitoring Well Aerial Map
Closure Status:
The landfill closure cap was completed by LCAP in 2005 and is currently in post closure status. Leachate is being transmitted by pipe line to Romney Waste Water Treatment Facility for disposal.
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