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Office of Environmental Advocate
Youth Environmental Program (YEP)
Earth Day Tips
Earth Day Tips
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Rethink Bottled Water
Most plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking hundreds, perhaps thousands of years to decompose in landfills. Buy a reusuable water bottle instead.
Brush Without Running
You've heard this one before, but maybe you still do it. You'll conserve up to five gallons of water per day if you stop.
Change Your Light
If every household in the U.S. replaced one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.
Go Vegetarian Once A Week
One less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef.
Second-Hand Doesn't Mean Second-Best
Consider buying items from a second-hand store. Second-hand stores often sell items in excellent condition since they are used for such a short period of time and will generally buy them back when you no longer need them.
Bag Plastic Bags
Each year, the U.S. uses close to 100 billion plastic bags. They are not biodegradable and are making their way into our oceans, and subsequently, the food chain. Try a reusable bag instead.
Picnic With A Marker
The next time you picnic, set out a permanent marker next to disposable dinnerware so guests can mark their cup and everyone will only use one.
Give It Away
Before you throw something away, think about if somone else might need it. Either donate to a charitable organization or post it on a web site designed to connect people and things.
Feed The Animals
Make a bird feeder or leave some fruit out on the branches of trees for rabbits and squirrels. Just keep in mind the proper food for animals.
Use Rechargable Batteries
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each year Americans throw away more than three billion batteries. That's about 180,000 tons of batteries. More than 86,000 tons of these are single-use alkaline batteries.
Adjust Your Thermostat
Adjust your thermostat one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter. Each degree Celsius less will save about 10 percent on your energy use.
Use Both Sides Of The Paper
Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S. Americans use 85 million tons of paper a year -- about 650 pounds per person.
Don't Rinse
Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you're saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.
Turn Off Computers At Night
By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day.
Ban Bathtime
Have a no-bath week and take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water. Not only will you reduce your water consumption, but the energy costs associated with heating the water.
Go To A Car Wash
Professional car washes are often more efficient with water consumption. If everyone in the U.S. who washes their car themselves took just one visit to the car wash, we could save nearly 8.7 billion gallons of water.
Recycle Old Cell Phones
Materials, including plastic components, can be used to make jewelry, other electronics and in automotive manufacturing.
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