Grant Opportunities


The Recycling section was established in 1989 to ensure compliance with the West Virginia Natural Resources Laws (Chapter 20, Article 11) before moving to the REAP program. This section is responsible for administering the following programs which have been developed and implemented to meet our goals. We also provide support in the following areas: public education programs and recycling market development.

Grant Application Submission and Training

Eligible parties may view and apply for REAP grants through the wvOASIS Vendor Self Service (VSS) system. Training videos for how to apply for grants are provided below.

Contact Us

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499
Toll-Free: (800) 322-5530
Contact REAP


Grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Eligible parties may now view and apply for the FY2026 Litter Control Grant through the wvOasis Vendor Self Service (VSS) system. All applications must be submitted by May 31st.

Eligible parties may now view and apply for the 2024 Recycling Assistance Grant Program through the wvOasis Vendor Self Service (VSS) system. All applications must be in the system by 5:00 pm on July 3rd. Please note the recycling rule 33-10 has been updated via House Bill 2640 and will take effect during the 2024 grant cycle.

Recycling Assistance Grant Program

The West Virginia Legislature made it possible to offer this program through a $1.00 fee imposed on every ton of solid waste disposed of at state landfills. Rules governing the program are under State Rule 33CSR10. The funds are available to any county, municipality, the public or private entity in West Virginia that is interested in planning and implementing recycling programs, related public educational programs or need assistance in recycling market efforts.

The amount of funding varies. The maximum amount of funding available for a public entity is $150,000 with $75,000 being the maximum for a private entity. Applications are due in the office by 5:00 p.m. on the first business day of July. The grant cycle runs annually from January to February of the following year.

Eligible parties may view and apply for the 2024 Recycling Assistance Grant through the wvOasis Vender Self Service (VSS) system.

Deadline to apply is 5:00 pm on July 5, 2023.

Litter Control Grant Program

The Litter Control Grant is a matching fund that assists municipalities and county government agencies with community cleanup and litter enforcement projects. Funding is provided for this grant through litter fines imposed on those who violate state litter laws. The maximum amount of funding for a Litter Control Grant is $5,000 and the cycle runs from July 1 through June 30. Rules governing the program are under State Rule 33CSR41. Applications must be submitted no later than May 31 to be considered for the following grant period.

Eligible parties may view and apply for the FY2026 Litter Control Grant through the wvOASIS Vendor Self Service (VSS) system.

Deadline to apply is May 31, 2025

Covered Electronic Devices Grant Program

All registration fees collected shall be deposited in the Covered Electronic Devices Takeback Fund which is to be administered by the Department of Environmental Protection. Expenditures from the fund shall be for grants for recycling or other programs that divert covered electronic devices from the waste stream.


Only municipalities, county commissions or county solid waste authorities are eligible to apply for these grants.

CED Recycling Grants are limited to a maximum amount of $40,000 which shall be awarded on a tiered matching basis. The first $20,000 of a grant shall not require the grantee to provide matching funds. Any amount over the first $20,000 of a grant shall be matched by the grantee on a dollar-to-dollar basis.

E-Cycling Contractors

Grantees must utilize the proper bidding procedures to procure services costing $5,000.00 or more. Grantees should confirm that the contractors providing recycling services are making a good faith attempt to adhere to one of the two accredited certification standards for electronic recyclers - Responsible Recycling (R2) or Standard for Responsible Recycling and Reuse of Electronic Equipment (e-Stewards).
