Streambank/Sediment Monitoring

​Monitoring is an essential component of stream restoration because it allows stakeholders to see what progress is being made, provides load reduction estimates and provides information on the types of restoration that can best achieve project goals.  However, obtaining quantifiable results from streambank restoration projects has been difficult.  There are a wide range of monitoring techniques to document erosion or sedimentation, but often they are intended to provide data for project design not environmental results. 

  Eroded streambank    Repaired streambank 
A monitoring protocol to address the data needs of NPS while considering the limited resources of the program was needed.  The following standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a combination of other proven techniques modified for the special requirements of the NPS Program.  It is a combination of photo point documentation, a volume assessment of bank loss, pebble count and the bank erosion potential rating (BEPR).  Click-Here to download the manual (Note: Does not include QAPP).

Additional information

1. Fluvial geomorphology training module
2. Michigan DEQ - BEHI procedures for volunteers
3. NC State Stream Restoration Institute: Natural Stream Processes

4. NRCS National Engineering Handbook for Stream Restoration

6. Rosgen, D. Wildland Hydrology: Classification of Natural Rivers

7. Rosgen, D. Wildland Hydrology:
Stream Channel Stability Assessment Procedure