Level-One SOPs

Described here are the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for completing a level-one biosurvey. These SOPs are designed and intended for the assessment of wadeable streams; they consist of three basic elements:

  1. Water Quality Analysis
  2. Phyical and habitat evaluations mostly by observations using conditions described on the survey data sheet
  3. Collection and assessment of the BMI community

The order of the procedures can vary slightly, depending upon the number of volunteers available to perform the survey. However, water quality analysis and physical evaluations should occur prior to sediment disturbance that may be caused by walking in the stream. See the sections below for review.

Felt glued to the bottom of the wading shoe will improve your traction for walking in the stream; however felt will also easily transfer certain biological components if they are not properly cleaned. Equipment and wading apparel should be cleaned between uses, especially if multiple streams are visited.

Additional Resources

  • Level-One SOPs

    Save Our Streams Level-One SOP Manual.

  • Study Design

    Provided here is information to help you organize your monitoring plan, or study design. It's well worth taking the time to figure out what you want to do. Your monitoring program is more likely to be successful and sustainable, with the right plan.