The Office of Oil and Gas is responsible for monitoring and regulating all actions related to the exploration, drilling, storage and production of oil and natural gas.
It maintains records on over 55,000 active and 12,000 inactive oil & gas wells.
It manages Abandoned Well Plugging and Reclamation Program.
It ensures surface/groundwater is protected from oil and gas activities.
Pollution and Emergency Spills: 1-800-642-3074![Call: 1-800-642-3074]()
Air Quality - Oil and Gas Related
Horizontal Drilling Permits Page - A page dedicated to information about horizontal drilling.
Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual -
Revised 5-2012
OOG Program Review Information
Oil and Gas Regulatory and Technical Support - Oil and Gas regulatory and technical support is the environmental regulatory program for the oil and gas production and transportation industry in West Virginia.
Abandoned Well Program - The Abandoned Well Program will inventory, assess the environmental risk, and plug abandoned wells to mitigate their environmental impact and remove their impediment to mineral development.