Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law in November 2021, has been a significant boon for the plugging of orphaned wells in West Virginia. The IIJA allocates substantial federal funding to address environmental and safety concerns associated with these orphaned oil and gas wells. With thousands of such wells in the state, the IIJA’s financial support is crucial for ramping up remediation efforts.

The Office of Oil and Gas (OOG) has been a key beneficiary of the IIJA funds. These resources have enabled the OOG to identify, prioritize, and plug orphaned wells more efficiently. The influx of federal dollars has facilitated the hiring of additional personnel, the procurement of necessary equipment, and the contracting of specialized services to carry out well-plugging operations.

Grant Type Maximum Eligibility Grant Subclassification Grant Amount Grant Status
Initial Grant (IIJA-IG) $25,000,000 $25,000,000 Complete
Formula Grant (IIJA-FG) $116,932,226
Phase 1 $29,233,057 Awarded
Phase 2 $29,233,057 Applied
Phase 3+ TBD
Performance Grant - Matching Series (IIJA-MG) $30,000,000
Matching Grant FY24 (IIJA-MG24) $1,965,102 Awarded
Matching Grant FY25 (IIJA-MG25) $3,306,846 Applied
Matching Grant FY26+ TBD
Performance Grant - Regulatory Improvement Series (IIJA-RIG) $40,000,000

One of the primary goals of the IIJA funding is to mitigate environmental hazards, such as methane emissions and surface or groundwater contamination, each of which pose environmental and safety risks. Beginning in 2023 and extending until at least 2030, it is expected that IIJA funding will result in the plugging of 1,200 orphaned wells.

For more detailed information about recent IIJA-funded plugging activity, utilize our interactive mapping tool.

Recent IIJA-funded Projects

Funding Source Project Name Wells Plugged Contractor Project Costs Project Status
IIJA-IG Region I 40 Next LVL Energy LLC $5,173,909 Complete
IIJA-IG Region II 20 Coastal Drilling East LLC $2,376,160 Complete
IIJA-IG Region III 40 Next LVL Energy LLC $5,090,789 Complete
IIJA-IG Region IV 20 WPS Environmental LLC $2,359,000 Complete
IIJA-IG Region V 20 WPS Environmental LLC $2,350,900 Complete
IIJA-IG Region VI 20 Next LVL Energy LLC $2,331,720 Complete
IIJA-IG Region VII 22 Coastal Drilling East LLC $2,540,000 Complete
IIJA-IG Region VIII 20 Northwind Site Services, LLC $2,518,556 Complete

All projects funded by IIJA must be approved by the U.S. Department of the Interior prior to the initiation of procurement procedures. A list of projects in development for IIJA funding are listed below.

Planned Upcoming Projects

If any members of the public have comments pertaining to any planned upcoming projects, please contact Alana Hartman at In addition to comments related to the project scope and description, DEP especially welcomes comments about cultural or historical areas or landmarks related to the proposed projects.

Recent IIJA-funded Projects

Funding Source Project Name County Number of Wells Project Status
IIJA-MG24 E3 Well Plugging Project Wayne 28 Pending federal approval

If you are a landowner in West Virginia and suspect the presence of an orphaned well on your property, it is important to report it to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP). Reporting these wells helps ensure environmental protection and the proper remediation of potential hazards. Please provide your contact information and details about the well using this form.

For more information about the U.S. Department of the Interior’s orphaned well plugging strategies, go to
