Non-Stormwater General Permits


General Permits are issued to cover a class of facilities with similar type discharges under one permit. Rather than issuing individual, site specific permits to each facility, permittees are registered for coverage under a General Permit for that activity. The majority of the work involved is performed up-front in issuing the General Permit, streamlining the permitting process and saving both the agency and the regulated community time and money.

The Division of Water and Waste Management issues the following non-stormwater permits:


The Car Wash General Permit, WV0078743, regulates discharges from coin-operated or other fee generating car washing establishments, as well as, discharges from non-fee generating vehicle washing, such as a trucking company that washes its own fleet. The current General Permit for Car Wash Establishments was issued on June 13, 2022, effective July 13, 2022 and expires June 12, 2027.

Contact Us

Mylinda Maddox
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43825

Documents and Forms


The Groundwater Remediation General Permit, WV0113727, regulates discharges from the remediation process of petroleum contaminated sites. The majority of the sites covered are old bulk oil storage facilities and gasoline stations. The contamination usually results from spillage or leaking underground storage tanks. The General Permit for Hydrostatic Testing was issued on May 01, 2023, effective May 31, 2023, and expires April 30, 2028.

Contact Us

Brian Bailey
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43767


The Home Aeration Unit General Permit, WV0107000, provides expedited coverage for individual residential sewage treatment facilities with capacities of 600 gallons per day or less, and that will directly discharge treated waste water into the State's waters. Anyone constructing or operating a sewage treatment facility in this category must apply for site registration under this permit. A wasteload allocation must be obtained for each permit application. The General Permit was issued July 1, 2024, effective August 1, 2024 and expires June 30, 2029.

Contact Us

Ann Baldwin
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x45004


The Hydrostatic Testing General Permit, WV0113069, provides coverage for any establishment with discharges composed entirely of waters from hydrostatic testing of new pipeline and agreeing to be regulated under the terms of the General Permit. For the purpose of this general permit, the term establishment shall be construed to mean certain pipeline replacement and/or construction projects electing to be regulated by said permit. The General Permit for Hydrostatic Testing was issued on May 12, 2022, effective June 11, 2022, expires May 11, 2027.

Contact Us

John Perkins
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43879


There are two General Permits to cover the disposal of sewage sludge and domestic septage by West Virginia Health Department licensed septic haulers. WVSG10000 covers septage haulers who dispose of sludge by land applying at land application sites listed in their permit application, while WVSG20000 covers septage haulers who dispose of sewage sludge at publically owned treatment works.

Contact Us

Savannah L. Arnold
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499


This general permit, WV0103110, is to install, operate and maintain a disposal system or part thereof, for the direct discharge of treated sewage into the waters of the State. This permit applies to sewage treatment and systems of domestic sewage only with a design capability of 50,000 gallons per day or less, except mine bath houses who are not required by the Division of Water and Waste Management to apply for an individual permit. Facilities that satisfy the registration requirements will be assigned one of three treatment categories based on the wastelaod allocation obtained. The permitee must provide adequate treatment technologies in order to comply with the effluent limitations of their assigned treatment category and maximum flow requirements. The General Permit was administratively revised on June 2, 2017 to change language in Condition B.16 relative to Total Residual Chlorine sampling. The general permit was administratively revised on July 19, 2017 to modify language in Condition B.26 relative to cathodic protection.

Contact Us

Brian Bailey
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43767

Documents and Forms


Historically, individual WV/NPDES Water Pollution Control Permits have been issued to water treatment plants. The purpose of this general permit is to establish a simpler and more efficient procedure for water treatment plants to gain permit coverage for their wastewater treatment systems.

The Division of Water and Waste Management has issued a General Permit, WV0115754, to regulate water treatment plant's wastewater treatment systems. Any owner/operator of a water treatment plant wastewater disposal system in the State will be regulated under the terms of the General Permit. The Director has the authority to require any owner/operator to apply for and obtain and individual permit. This authority will be exercised when the Director determines that the receiving water will be better protected by such a permit.

The universe of existing facilities that are eligible for coverage under this general permit numbers approximately one hundred twenty. Proposed treatment facilities are also eligible for coverage under the General Permit; however, each proposed facility must meet the public notice and public comment requirements. Those facilities to be regulated under the terms of the General Permit will be required to provide adequate treatment technologies and to achieve compliance with the limitation category requirements assigned. The current General Permit for Water Treatment Plants was issued on July 19, 2023, effective August 18, 2023, expires July 18, 2028.

Contact Us

Brian Bailey
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43767


This general permit, WV0116026, regulates the discharge of wastewater from state highway or municipal maintenance facilities. The General Permit will authorize the operation and maintenance of establishments engaged in highway maintenance and repair that have vehicle maintenance, material handling and storage, vehicle fueling and lubrication, vehicle washing facilities, and/or domestic sewage disposal systems, or parts thereof, and the direct or indirect discharge of treated wastewater to the waters of the State. This permit was issued on April 01, 2022, and expires May 31, 2027.

Contact Us

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Water and Waste Management
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499

eDMR Submission Report Forms

These forms are to be completed and submitted through the Electronic Submission System as an an attachment with your e-DMR submission, or as a stand-alone document under Electronic Reports.

Documents and Forms


This general permit, WV0116645, is available to operators who discharge to waters of the State from the application of (1) biological pesticides or (2) chemical pesticides that leave a residue (hereinafter collectively “pesticides”), when the pesticide application is for one of the following pesticide use patterns:

  1. Mosquito and Other Flying Insect Pest Control - to control public health/nuisance and other flying insect pests that develop or are present during a portion of their life cycle in or above standing or flowing water. Public health/nuisance and other flying insect pests in this use category include mosquitoes and black flies.
  2. Weed and Algae Pest Control—to control weeds, algae, and pathogens that are pests in water and at water’s edge, including ditches and/or canals.
  3. Animal Pest Control—to control animal pests in water and at water’s edge. Animal pests in this use category include fish, lampreys, insects, mollusks, and pathogens.
  4. Forest Canopy Pest Control—application of a pesticide to a forest canopy to control the population of a pest species (e.g., insect or pathogen) where, to target the pests effectively, a portion of the pesticide unavoidably will be applied over and deposited to water.

This permit was reissued on December 4, 2017, and will expire December 4, 2022.

Contact Us

Brian Bailey
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43767

Documents and Forms