Worker Certification for UST


The following documents provide information about how to become certified to work on underground storage tanks (UST).


  • The application form must be completed, signed and returned to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water and Waste Management, Environmental Enforcement, Underground Storage Tanks (see complete address below.)

  • The reference forms (two personal and two professional) are to be sent, by you, to your chosen references. Fill in your name and address at the top of the form. These forms are to be completed by your references, signed, and returned directly to the address below.

  • Providing your references with stamped and addressed envelopes may encourage them to return the forms promptly and to the correct location.


All forms should be returned to:

WV Department of Environmental Protection
Attn: Jenna D. Palmer
DWWM - EE - Underground Storage Tanks
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304

Need Help?

For further assistance, please contact the Underground Storage Tank Unit at (304) 926-0499 x49737 or email​​