Annual Certification-Large Quantity Users


Effective January 1, 2015, the minimum reporting threshold has been lowered to 300,000 gallons withdrawn from surface or groundwater sources in any 30-day period. Annual reporting must include monthly water withdrawal as mandated under the Water Resources Protection Act. The LQU reporting method has changed from paper forms to digital format. Large quantity users are now required to submit their annual water usage in the WVDEP's Electronic Submission System.


  • Water Use Reporting Changes

    The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is working to get the word out about reporting changes for our Large Quantity User (LQU) Survey. The survey is due every year between January 1 and March 31st.

  • LQU Survey Instructions

    Instructions on registering and completing the large quantity user survey for water providers, oil & gas, and industrial users on WVDEP’s Electronic Submission System.

  • Aquifer Map

    Major hydrogeologic units in West Virginia.

Large Quantify User Reporting Tutorial - January 2016

Provided in the video is a step by step tutorial on how to complete and submit a Large Quantity Use report in the WVDEP's Electronic Submissions System. This tutorial will guide users through the different forms for each LQU application: Water Provider, Industrial Users, and Oil & Gas.