Facilities that discharge wastewater to receiving waters in West Virginia must apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for that discharge.
After a facility receives a permit, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) requires the
permittee to submit Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) information. The required sample collection and analytical
results must be reported to the WVDEP through the submission of an eDMR on the date specified in the permit. It is
the permittee's responsibility for understanding and meeting all permit requirements and submitting complete,
accurate self-monitoring data. The reported data will be compared with the current limits contained in the permit or
any enforcement order to determine facility compliance.
eDMR is designed to simplify your reporting requirements by providing the flexibility to manually enter the data, or
upload the data from your own data system. It allows multiple users to input and submit the DMR data, based on
security rights that you set up. The system prompts you with your permit limits and reporting frequencies, ensuring
you have all required information inputted. Finally, eDMR reduces the use of paper, promoting a healthy environment.
By using the eDMR system, the permittee is not required to submit hard copies of the DMR to the following people:
- U.S. EPA, Region III
- Director of the Division of Water and Waste Management
- Environmental Enforcement Inspector
Note: The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection no longer accepts paper-based reporting.