Study Materials for UST Certification


The documents below provide study materials for the Underground Storage Tank certification.

UST Worker Classifications

The following are definitions of the different worker classifications. Owners must determine who best fits this role at their facilities.

Class A Certification

Class A certified workers workers will be able to install, repair, retrofit, or upgrade an underground storage tank system, to tightness test Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) basins, and tightness test all sumps and spill buckets during installation or replacements.

Class A Study Guide

  • Class A Study Guide

    This study guide is intended to help you prepare for West Virginia’s Underground Storage Tank Class A System Installation and Repair Certification Exam.

Class B Certification

Class B certified workers will be able to perform a change-in-service or close an underground storage tank system.

Class B Study Guide

  • Class B Study Guide

    This study guide is intended to help you prepare for West Virginia's Underground Storage Tank Class B Underground Storage System Closure and Change-in-Service Exam.

Class C Certification

Class C certified workers will be able to perform tank or piping tightness testing, tank integrity testing, tightness testing of spill buckets, tightness testing of Under Dispenser Containment (UDC) basins, tightness testing of Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) basins, function testing of line leak detectors, and disconnect and reconnect piping and equipment to an underground storage tank system as is necessary to perform the tightness test.

Class C Study Guide

  • Class C Study Guide

    This study guide is intended to help you prepare for West Virginia’s Underground Storage Tank Class C Tank tightness Tester Exam.

Class F Certification

Class F certified workers will be able to verify ball floats or overfill, replace vapor recovery adapters, replace full shut offs, replace STP motors, check and replace probes and sensors, fix unions under dispensers, replace fuel adapters, replace line leak detectors, replace flex connectors, check and replace valves, replace pipe fittings accessible without excavating, and perform hydrostatic testing of all sumps, UDCs, and spill buckets.

Class F Study Guide