Overview and Mission
"Project WET’s mission is to advance water education to understand global challenges and inspire local solutions."
Project WET is an international, interdisciplinary water science and education program for educators of all sorts - public and private school teachers,
water resource professionals, youth club leaders and many others. In West Virginia, Project WET workshops are FREE
and conducted throughout the state.
Project WET's curriculum was developed through a collaboration of teachers, scientists, and resource professionals. Project WET correlates with state and national
standards of learning, and strongly supports STEM principles. Project WET believes that educators hold the key to empowering people to effect sustainable,
positive change at the local level, for the benefit of all water users.
Hosted by WV DEP's Watershed Improvement Branch (WIB), the West Virginia Project WET Program addresses atmospheric water, surface water, groundwater, cultural
and historic uses of water, and contemporary management issues such as stormwater and nonpoint source pollution.
Project WET makes water education fun, and helps educators meet their objectives in an innovative way. The activities are designed to complement existing curriculum
rather than displace or add additional concepts to the classroom. Project WET activities are interdisciplinary, hands-on, and engaging to make water education fun for
students and teachers.
Project WET staff will work with formal and informal educators in public and private schools and universities, preschool or day care workers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and 4-H leaders, cities, local resource organizations, or individuals to plan and conduct a workshop when and where is most convenient for you.