Watershed Pilot Program Reporting


The purpose of ANY grant report is to describe the activities undertaken and account for the use of grant funds during the reporting period. Reports must be complete so that the grantee, as well as the funder, can evaluate progress and performance.

A quarterly progress report is the minimum requirement; however, the organization may choose to submit more frequent updates, especially if that is their current routine.


  • WPP Reporting PDF

    An updated PDF for the Watershed Pilot Program with requirements, examples, and final thoughts.

  • WPP Example Report

    An example report from Piney Creek Watershed Association and the Coal River Group

Reporting Period

State fiscal year: July 1st – June 30th
July - September October - December January - March April - June
Due 1st Thursday in October Due 1st Thursday in January Due 1st Thursday in April Due 1st Thursday in July

The report is due one month after the end of the reporting period on the first Thursday.

WPP Reporting


The narrative portion of the report is a summary of all activities that occurred during the reporting period. This section of the report is the one most shared with other state/federal partners that support the WPP grant. Below are examples of what may be included in the narrative section.

Note: The NPS Coordinator can provide examples of past reports upon request.

  • A description of the activities during the reporting period

  • Progress made toward the expected outcomes of the grant and any other significant accomplishments, and any setbacks or challenges

  • Significant board, management, or staff changes

  • Plans and goals for the upcoming reporting period

  • A description (include attachments or links (preferred)) of any recent evaluations, publications, news articles, or other materials related to the grant

  • An explanation of any significant variances between proposed spending and actual spending in each category

Main Report

The remainder of the report should include specific information about the following categories:

  • General administration and capacity building

  • Project(s) updates

  • Other grant(s) updates as they relate to the sustainability efforts of the organization

  • Fundraising activities

  • Outside engagement activities

  • Hours worked: a simple table showing hours worked during the reporting period. Note: Hours may need more frequent tracking depending upon reimbursement schedule.

  • Events, including a brief description, during the reporting period

  • Any updates on key tasks and priorities.

Always include your contact information. The report must also include signatures of the principal investigator/editor, and the date of execution. Your local supervisor must read and sign off on your report before prior to submission. Its total length, not including photos, brochures, press releases etc. should not be greater than four-six pages. The report, which describes the previous month activities, is due one-week following the end of the month.

Tip: It is recommended that reimbursements are submitted monthly or as frequently as the organization is paying the WPP watershed specialist.

Watershed Pilot Program Reporting Requirements

WPP Final Report

A final report is required within 30 days of the end of the performance period, or when requested by the funder. The final report can be similar in format to the quarterly reports, but its purpose is to describe what has occurred during the ENTIRE grant, again so that the grantee/funder can evaluate progress and performance. The final report should be written based upon the goals and objectives described in your work plan. It must also include financial comparison of what was proposed in your workplans budget vs. what was spent. In addition to the basic comparison a summary of other grants and fundraising activities that support the WPP positions are required.

Work Hours Example

Date Hours Date Hours Date Hours Date Hours
03/01 5 03/08 0 03/15 7 03/22 8
03/02 6 03/09 10 03/16 4 03/23 7
03/03 6 03/10 8 03/17 6 03/24 5
03/04 8 03/11 8 03/18 8 03/25 5
03/05 8 03/12 7 03/19 11 03/26 6
03/06 6 03/13 3 03/20 0 03/27 4
03/07 0 03/14 0 03/21 0 03/28-30 0
Total 39 Total 36 Total 36 Total 35

Final Thoughts

Your reports should be well-written, accurate and submitted on time. It must follow the recommended content guidelines provided herein. You must write in complete sentences and use correct grammar; use spell-check and proofread the document before submitting it. Keep in mind that this is public information and can be shared at any time with the citizens of West Virginia. ​