Components of a WBP

​​1. Identification of causes and sources of impairments  
    1. Sources of impairment are identified and described.  
2. Specific sources of impairment are geographically identified (i.e. mapped).  
3. Data sources are accurate and verifiable, assumptions can be reasonably justified.  
2. Expected load reductions 
1. Load reductions achieve goals (e.g. TMDL allocations).  
2. Desired load reductions are quantified for each source of impairment
3. Expected load reductions are estimated for each BMP (management measure) described in below and the overall watershed.  
4. Data sources and/or modeling processes are accurate and verifiable, assumptions can be reasonably justified.  
3. Proposed management measures  
1. Specific management measures are identified and rationalized.  
2. Proposed management measures are strategic and feasible for the watershed.  
3. Critical/priority implementation areas have been identified.  
4. The extent of expected implementation is quantified (e.g. miles of streambank fenced etc.)  
4. Technical and financial assistance needed  
1. Cost estimated reflects all planning and implementation costs.  
2. Cost estimates are provided for each management measure
3. All potential Federal, State, Local and Private funding sources are identified.  
4. Funding is strategically allocated; activities are funded with appropriate sources (e.g. NRCS funds for agricultural BMP cost share).  
5. Information, education and public participation components  
1. A stakeholder outreach strategy has been developed and documented.  
2. All relevant stakeholders are identified and procedures for involving them are defined.  
3. Education and outreach materials and dissemination methods are identified.  
6. Schedule
1. Implementation schedule includes specific dates and expected accomplishments.  
2. Implementation schedule follows a logical sequence.  
3. Implementation schedule covers a reasonable time frame.  
7. Milestones 
1. Measurable milestones with expected completion dates are identified to evaluate progress.  
2. A phased approach with interim milestones is used to ensure continuous implementation.  
8. Load reduction criteria  
1. Proposed criteria effectively measures progress toward load reduction goals.  
2. Criteria includes quantitative measures of implementation progress and pollution reduction and qualitative measures of overall program success, including public involvement.  
3. Interim water quality indicator milestones are clearly identified.  
4. An adaptive management approach is in place with threshold criteria identified to trigger modifications.  
9. Monitoring component  
1. Monitoring plan includes an appropriate number of monitoring stations.  
2. Monitoring plan has adequate sampling frequency
Monitoring plan will effectively measure the criteria identified above. 
A quality assurance project plan (QAPP) must be submitted and approved at least 60 days prior to the start of project monitoring.

Click-Here to download a PDF of the watershed planning component list. Contact the 319 Coordinator if you have questions.