This page is intended to guide users through the watershed proposal process.
Revised Guidance: In 2014, EPA revised its §319 program guidance, and in March 2017, contingency plans were required for all mining remediation construction projects.
This is still the case today. The next §319 program guidance update will be completed by the summer of 2024. Note: All sub-grantees must be familiar with applicable
guidance documents, as well as state and federal codes.
The Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program emphasizes management strategies and programs to address nonpoint pollution problems. These programs are balanced between two
priorities. One is to implement the overall NPS Program. These efforts are funded through nonpoint funds. A second involves targeting specific watersheds to
improve degraded water quality. This funding is referred to as watershed project funds. This is designated for specific projects intended to restore impaired
watersheds to water quality standards. Note: Watershed protection projects are also an option to consider. All projects must follow EPA guidelines established
for the use of §319 funds.
Your organization should work with your local Basin Coordinator to develop an initial project idea. LOIs can be submitted anytime - this is a good way to begin the
conversation. The deadline for submitting the full workplan for a watershed project proposal is May 1st. Additional grant opportunities (AGOs) have no specific
deadline. They depend on availability of funds and the announcements can be made at any time during the federal fiscal year.
Before watershed projects can be submitted, a watershed-based plan (WBP) must be developed and approved. The WBP identifies all the partnerships, projects, funding
sources, outreach, follow-up monitoring, and timelines. WBPs can be based on a watershed strategy, a TMDL (or both), and more clearly defines the specific
responsibilities of each stakeholder group in implementing efforts to restore a watershed to compliance with water quality standards. The ultimate goal of §319
WBPs and projects is to remove the impaired water body (however it was listed) from the 303(d) list. Once your plan and all of its projects are complete your
organization must work closely with WVDEP's NPS Program, TMDL Program and WAB to evaluate the stream for delisting.
All grant recipients must have all the appropriate state and federal tax and financial identifications, and be able to verify that the appropriate accounting,
procurement and purchasing procedures, as well as other business and organizational standards (e.g. board of director charter, budget documents, meeting minutes
etc.) are in place. We use a financial history checklist to verify the capacity of an organization to manage federal grants.