

A workplan (i.e. project proposal) is an outline of all tasks that need to be completed in order to finish an entire project.

It is important to note that workplans can vary. For example if you are writing a plan that describes monitoring, it should be similar to a study design. The monitoring plan would also include budget, match and milestones.

If you are submitting a Workplan for an NPS project your tasks may include the following:

Project title; organization; fiscal year; budget summary (amount requested, match and total); depending upon the type of proposal information about the waterbodies effected may be required; this includes (name of the major watershed and its HUC-code, name of the specific sub-watershed and its HUC-code, and TMDL sub-watershed (SWS) number and 303(d) list stream code); and finally the contact information (name, mailing address, phone number and Email).

The introduction should include a description of the geologic extent of watershed, problems and/or threats and a summary of the goals and objectives.

This important section outlines the anticipated load reductions, educational outputs and restoration benefits of the project. All benefits expected from this project should be explained.

A description of the nonpoint measures that will need to be implemented in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the plan. Include an identification (using a map or detailed description) of the critical areas in which those measures will be needed.

An estimate of the amounts of technical assistance needed, associated costs and the sources and authorities that will be relied on to implement this plan.

The budget must be provided that shows a breakdown of anticipated expenses by category, §319 funds and matching funds. The maximum §319 reimbursement for a project is 60% of the total project cost. There must be at least 40% non-federal matching funds for each project.

Additional Resources

An education and outreach campaign that will be used to enhance public understanding of the project and encourage their early and continued participation in selecting, designing, and implementing the nonpoint management measures that will be implemented.

A schedule and description of measurable milestones for determining whether management measures or other controls are being implemented.

This could include a summary of your monitoring results, number of participants served by your outreach efforts, number of brochures distributed, number of BMPs installed, feet of stream bank restored etc.

