Listed here are some helpful links pertaining to underground storage tanks.
UST National Work Group on Leak Detection
NWGLDE is an independent Work Group comprised of 11 members: 10 of whom represent various states and 1 from the U.S. EPA. All our members are state or federal employees whose full time job is to regulate storage tanks for their agency’s regulatory program. We appreciate these agencies’ willingness to allow our members to participate in the NWGLDE.
EPA: Underground Storage Tanks
Approximately 544,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) nationwide store petroleum or hazardous substances. The greatest potential threat from a leaking UST is contamination of groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. EPA, states, territories, and tribes work in partnership with industry to protect the environment and human health from potential releases.
UST Act in WV Code
This article may be known and cited as the “Underground Storage Tank Act”.
UST Rule
Notice of final filing and adoption of a legislative rule authorized by the West Virginia Legislature: Underground Storage Tanks
Administrative Rule Governing USTs
This legislative rule governs the construction, installation, upgrading, use, maintenance, testing, and closure of underground storage tanks in this State.
UST Fee Assessment Rule
This legislative rule establishes procedures for the assessment and collection of fees for the Underground Storage Tank Administrative Fund and the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Response Fund pursuant to W. Va. Code §§22-17-20 and 22-17-21