Stormwater Program


The Stormwater Permit Team administers all stormwater related General Permits. The Stormwater Team is responsible for administrative and technical review of applications and stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP’s) submitted for coverage under stormwater permits.

Other Services We Provide

  • Compliance assistance for active sites/facilities.
  • Educational programs to the regulated community and general public.
  • Technical information to help industry comply with the provisions of West Virginia's Stormwater NPDES General Permits.

Stormwater General Permits

  • Construction Stormwater General Permit

    Covers stormwater discharges from all construction activities with earth-disturbance of one acre or more. The WV/NPDES General Water Pollution Permit No. WV0115924, Stormwater Associated With Construction Activities, was issued on March 6, 2024, became effective on April 6, 2024, and expires on April 5, 2029.

  • Multi-Sector Stormwater General Permit

    Covers stormwater effluent from certain industrial activities.

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

    MS4’s as described under Phase II of the EPA Stormwater Program. This permit covers storm water discharges from certain municipalities and other public entities such as hospitals, universities, highways and prisons.

  • Oil & Gas Construction Stormwater General Permit

    State General Permit to regulate the discharge of stormwater runoff associated with oil and gas related construction activities. The WV General Water Pollution Permit No. WV0116815, Stormwater Associated With Oil and Gas related Construction Activities, has been extended until April 23, 2021. Please be advised that the terms and conditions of the existing permit shall remain applicable and in effect throughout the permit extension period.​