Incentive Mechanisms
Incentives are a creative tool local governments can use to encourage the use of green
infrastructure practices on private property. Incentive mechanisms allow municipalities to act
beyond the confines of their regulatory authorities to improve wet weather management on
properties that may not fall under updated stormwater requirements or other state and municipal
policies, codes and ordinances. These incentives can be applied to both new developments and
existing developments. For new development projects, incentives can be incorporated into the
development processes, such as building permits and stormwater permits or other development
codes and requirements, to creatively encourage green infrastructure. In already developed areas,
incentives can be designed to encourage private property owners to retrofit their properties to
include green infrastructure practices where they do not already exist. Examples of local
incentive mechanisms can include stormwater fee discounts, expedited permitting, grants, rebate
and installation financing, and awards and recognition.
Incentive mechanisms can be easy to implement and afford local decision makers the flexibility
and creativity to tailor programs to specific priorities or to particular geographic areas in a