Additional Grant Opportunities (AGOs) must focus on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution issues. These can be outreach,
planning, construction projects, and more. If AGO funds are available, select organizations are notified, and the
announcement is posted to the website. If your organization would like to be notified about AGO funding announcements,
send an E-mail request to the NPS Coordinator.
West Virginia's NPS Program will accept initial proposal ideas, also known as a letter of intent (LOI), through
the LOI portal. Note: We strongly recommend that you review all the website and all instructions before any
proposal submission.
If your AGO is selected, a full workplan is required, but the workplan submission is not a guarantee of funding.
You should discuss your proposal with the Basin Coordinator in your region prior to any submissions. Do not use
the LOI portal to submit final AGO workplans.
Note: All §319 funds are reimbursable grants.
Criteria used to screen LOIs include:
Project is nonpoint pollution related.
Project fits the mission of the NPS Program and will benefit the watershed and/or public.
The project is an activity that probably could not qualify for a watershed project proposal.
The organization is viable with the capability to successfully complete the project.
The budget and total funding request is reasonable.
The organization has proven it can complete a project and can manage grant funds responsibly.
AGO proposal budgets should range from $2,000 - $20,000. AGO projects must be implemented within two federal
fiscal years or less. All grant recipients must have a FEIN, SAM registration and UEI, W-9, and be able to
verify the appropriate accounting, procurement and purchasing procedures, as well as other business and
organizational standards (e.g. board of director charter, budget documents, meeting minutes etc.) are in
place. WIB may require the completion of a financial history checklist.