Station Locations

What is a Reach?

A wadeable stream reach is defined as a section of stream no deeper than waist deep (except pools); most of the reach are at depths between the thigh and the waist or shallower. Streams from first through fourth orders most commonly fall into this category. Some higher order streams may have wadeable sections.The sampling locations on a stream should be a minimum of 50-yards upstream from a road or bridge crossing. Being upstream of these or other types of human encroachments minimizes the effects on stream velocity, channel shape and size, and overall habitat quality. In other words your reach should be as representative as possible of the natural characteristics of the stream. Additionally, no major tributaries (2nd order or higher) should be discharging within the reach.

Once the station is established the length of the reach is determined. WDEP's Watershed Branch uses 100-meters. Volunteers are encouraged to use the same length but other lengths are acceptable. Most hardware or home stores sell open-reel tape measures of up to 300-feet (100-meter open-reel tape measures are usually available from engineering supply companies). The 300-foot distance is allowable for the maximum reach length. In some cases younger volunteers may be monitoring so it is best to keep them within your line-of-sight. Note: Certain stream-types may meander and have thick vegetation so the entire length of the reach may not be visible. Under these circumstances the length of the reach can be reduced as a safety precaution. The recommended minimum length is 150-feet. The reach should have at least one or more of the typical channel features.

Riffles have shallow, fast moving water broken on the surface by the presence of coarse substrate such as stacked gravel, cobble and boulders. Its channel shape is variable and often has portion of incline and decline. Runs are deeper than a riffle with a fast to moderate current and usually no breaks in the surface. The channel shape is relatively consistent with only a slight incline or decline. The substrate is variable but is mostly coarser materials. Pools have deep, slow moving water. The channel shape is generally bowl like and often some of the bottom substrates consist of finer sediments such as sand and silt. In steep-gradient mountain streams, pools are often deep but may have many areas of very fast velocity and larger substrate. These types of pools are often referred to as steps.

Stream Reach Diagram

Determine Average Width and Depth of the Features

Once the length is determined and set it should remain the same throughout the life of the station. Use flagging or natural features to mark the upper and lower boundaries of the reach. For the first few visits it is a good practice to measure the length of the reach by laying an open-reel tape measure along the banks (not in the stream). The tape measure provides you with many points of reference along the length and is very useful for marking the location of pebble count transects and other notable habitat features such as point bars, islands, or eroding banks that may occur within the reach. The latitude and longitude (X-site) of your reach is determined at the downstream end of the reach. If you are using a GPS and cannot get a reading at the downstream end, do not move your tape measure once it is in place. Walk up stream until a signal is received and then indicate the location of the signal on your survey data sheet (i.e. middle reach, upper reach etc.). WV Save Our Streams prefers latitude and longitude readings in the degrees-minutes-seconds format.

How Often Should I Monitor My Stations?

Your study design should help you answer this question, but in general, typical surveys are performed two times within an index period. If there is a reason, volunteers may monitor water quality at a station more frequently such as seasonal or even monthly depending upon the situation. At a minimum the station can be monitored only once within the index period. The program's index period is spring through fall. Site considerations are based upon the purpose. See examples below.

  • Characterization
  • Sites ara typical sections of the river/stream that interests the group. Site have a variety of features that represent those of the watershed (baseline). Sites may have a special natural of historical significance. Sites may be the location of previous monitoring activitiy.

  • Impact Assessments
  • Control site is established upstream of the potential impact. In some cases the reference may be in an adjacent watershed or it may be theoretical. Impact site is set-up slightly downstream from the impact. Recovery site is downstream far enough that recovery may be likely.

Station Locations

The number and location of your stations depends on what questions your monitoring study has been designed to answer. Table 2 provides some general considerations based upon two types of common monitoring criteria. Prior to selecting the site in the field use a topographic map to do preliminary selection of sites that meet your criteria. Always visit the site before making final determinations to make sure the site is easily and safely accessible and that it is on public access areas whenever possible. Site codes are important for keeping track of your stations and for reporting purposes. WV Save Our Streams recommends that you use a code consisting of series of numbers and letters that easily designate the site locations and allow for more sites to be added. For example, you have decided on three stations along Spruce Creek. The stations could be coded as follows:

  • SP-001
  • The most downstream site on the stream.

  • SP-010
  • About 1 mile from the mouth.

  • SP-015
  • About 1.5 miles from the mouth.

The number to the far right is 0.1-mile, the next place to the left is 1.0-miles, the next is 10.0-miles etc. (SP) is the first two-letters of the stream name; (001) is the miles from the mouth of the stream.

Choose the site that best fit the type of monitoring your group would like to perform. Most volunteer monitoring groups choose sites that determine baseline conditions and will be used to establish long-term or short-term trends. These sites are visited on a regular basis and the information collected is compared to determine if changes are occurring. The other type is for analysis of a particular impact or activity that is occurring on the stream. In this situation the stations are compared against a reference/control to determine the extent of the impact or activity.


  • Reach

    The typical stream reach has riffles, pools and runs and should be perennial. The X-site (X) is the furthest downstream location, it is usually where the latitude and longitude readings are taken.