32nd Annual Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Appreciation Day set for August 7 at Tamarack


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (July 13, 2021) – The 32nd Annual Adopt-A-Highway (AAH) Volunteer Appreciation Day will take place on Saturday, Aug. 7 at the Tamarack Convention Center in Beckley.

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) will host the day-long celebration of volunteers who pick up litter along West Virginia highways.

The festivities begin at 9 a.m. with bingo, broom making, a painting class, children's games, and other activities.

Volunteers will be served a catered lunch at noon. Afternoon activities include presentation of the annual AAH awards, including the 2021 AAH Volunteer of the Year. Volunteers with 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service will receive lapel pins and a special AAH safety vest imprinted with the number of years they have participated.

To register for the event, call 1-800-322-5530 or send an email to dep.aah@wv.gov. The registration deadline is July 17th, 2021.

AAH volunteers remove 4 million pounds of trash from state highways each year, while recycling 10,000 pounds of glass, 5,000 pounds of plastic, and 8,000 pounds of aluminum. The AAH program currently has 40,000 volunteers representing over 1,400 organizations that keep more than 3,300 miles of West Virginia roads litter free.

For more WVDEP news and information, go to www.dep.wv.gov. Also, connect with the agency on all social media platforms. Follow @DEPWV on Twitter, Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/depwv/, and find us on YouTube by searching “Environment Matters.”

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Terry Fletcher
304-926-0499 ext. 49720