WVDEP announces the selection of impaired waters for next round of TMDL development


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Nov. 20, 2019) – The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) has announced the state waters selected for the next round of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) development with intensive monitoring already underway in the Little Kanawha River Watershed. A TMDL is a restoration plan to reduce pollutants in impaired waters.


The federal Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Quality Planning and Management Regulations, requires the WVDEP to develop TMDLs for waters that do not meet the state water quality standards – referred to as impaired waters. Known impaired waters are identified on the WVDEP Section 303(d) list. The 2016 Section 303(d) list may be viewed at: http://www.dep.wv.gov/WWE/watershed/IR/Pages/303d_305b.aspx.


The WVDEP’s TMDL Program is synchronized with West Virginia’s Watershed Management Framework, which allows the WVDEP to systematically accomplish statewide TMDL development and implementation. TMDL development is a four-year effort beginning with at least 12 months of intensive water quality monitoring. TMDLs include pollutant allocations to both non-permitted (non-point sources) and permitted facilities. In accordance with the Framework, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits in Hydrologic Group D watersheds, which include the Greenbrier River, James River, Little Kanawha River, New River, and Monongahela River watersheds will be renewed in 2024. Starting the monitoring now allows time to have approved TMDLs in place prior to permit reissuance so that protective discharge limits can be incorporated.

This effort will address impairments currently identified on the 303(d) list and impairments identified through current data collection efforts. TMDLs approved in 2017 for the Hughes River Watershed and in 2008 for Duck Creek, Lynch Run, UNT/Lynch Run RM 0.9, Duskcamp Run, Right Fork/Duskcamp Run, and Copen Run will remain in place. TMDLs developed by EPA in 2000 for the Little Kanawha River and five of its tributaries (Reedy Creek, Spring Creek, Sand Fork, Oil Creek, and Saltlick Creek) will be replaced.


To inform and develop TMDLs, the WVDEP collects data from streams and potential sources of pollution. Local stakeholders can support this effort by providing information about potential pollutant sources.


To learn more about TMDLs, data collection, and how to contribute information or ask questions, please visit our TMDL ESRI StoryMap at the following web address: http://arcg.is/15Hvuz, or contact:


West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

Division of Water and Waste Management

Attn: Mindy Neil

601 57th Street, S.E.

Charleston, WV  25304

Phone: (304) 926-0495, ext. 1063

E-mail: Mindy.S.Neil@wv.gov


For more WVDEP news and information, go to www.dep.wv.gov. Also, connect with the agency on all social media platforms. Follow @DEPWV on Twitter, Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/depwv/, and find us on YouTube by searching “Environment Matters.”


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Terry Fletcher
304-926-0499 ext. 1641