WVDEP Holds Water Workshops for Teachers


The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection is coordinating a brand-new workshop to help young children learn about water.

Project Water Education for Teachers (WET) is a program designed to deliver water education resources to children, parents and teachers around the world.

Coordinated in West Virginia by the WVDEP’s Watershed Improvement Branch, the program’s most visible aspect is its annual water festivals hosted at locations around the state. These festivals are aimed at fifth graders and heighten the awareness of our water resources and the role we all play in the health of our watersheds.

Now, there’s a new program -- Getting Little Feet Wet -- which holds workshops for educators who work with children ages three to six, to learn new, fun, age-appropriate ways to teach about water.

The next workshop is slated for Saturday, April 6 in Elkins. The event is free, but prior registration is required. For more information, contact Tomi Bergstrom at Tomi.M.Bergstrom@wv.gov.


Terry Fletcher
304-926-0499 ext. 1641